Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Shame

Rereading my post from last night, I’ve come to the conclusion that I shouldn’t write whilst in a sleep-deprived stupor. To make up for my crappy, misspelled post, here are more random (slightly better worded) musing. Enjoy.

There are so many selves. There’s Facebook self, every avatar ever made, and things like the ‘multiple blog self’. Not only that, but there hyperidentities for each self. That is combined with millions of apps and downloads at our fingertips. It is no wonder our generation can’t pay attention to things. I did a speech in Schulz’ class about how much media we as college students consume. The average teen spends eight and a half hours interacting with media a day. Think about how much it goes up when you’re in college and on your computer pretty much everyday. Not only that, but how many of us college students use multiple forms of media each day? I listen to music and go on tumblr while I watch TV! (Don’t judge me).  I emphasize all this because I learned another interesting thing in my persuasive media class. The more choices that are presented to a person, the harder it is to make a decision, and the more likely a person is to make a bad decision. That, coupled with the influx of media, it’s a wonder we can handle deciding what to wear in the morning. Along this thread, Wagner talks about hundreds and hundreds of religious apps being on the market, readily available and most of the times free. With so many choices how often do we make a bad choice?

Expect these lovely tidbits all day.

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